Celebrity Happiness Coach, Robert Mack - That's How You Feel? Podcast EP. 24

So , absolutely , I love the word growth , right ? Uh The next next one , do you feel like social media has mentally made physical attraction and a priority in finding the right person ? Um So it's always been a priority for , for , for most of us , right ?

Celebrity Happiness Coach, Robert Mack - That's How You Feel? Podcast EP. 24

So they magnify what's already there , right ? So , um sometimes we like to blame social media for that and certainly social media can exacerbate or exaggerate or magnify problems that are already there . But I would argue that social media isn't the source of the problem , but it's certainly um a result of the problem in one ways and it's also exploiting that problem in other ways , right ?

Celebrity Happiness Coach, Robert Mack - That's How You Feel? Podcast EP. 24

I mean , more contagious than this , you know , virus right now are emotions and you could pass emotions through the phone through a text message through Facebook . So , you know , any social media platform , I can pass it to you with a glance or a look , you know , so emotion by far extraordinarily contagious in both positive and negative ways . So I think we hear the cliche line all the time .

The Purple Sessions - Anastasia Elliot x Robert Mack

Yes , I got you . The other thing I'll say real quickly too is like , look , um it's great to have a social media presence and lots of people do really well that way . And most of the most successful people I know don't have any social media presence at all .

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Yeah , I , I don't , it doesn't surprise me at all . I think that uh there is a divide in terms of social awareness and social consciousness in terms of mental health . There is a , there is a , a world where people were , grew , you know , grew up in a society where we were kind of taught to suppress it and suppress emotions .