What Causes Happiness, and What Happiness Causes [Robert Mack]

And if you need help with that , look into the science , there's lots of science . Look into spirituality . If you go deep enough into any religion , it's there , it's hidden everywhere , but you have to go deep enough into any of these disciplines to find it .

Rob Mack UNCOVERS: Positive Psychology and How This Improves our Happiness and Well-being

I often have this tendency to like , mix language a little , you know , because for me it's kind of , they've been both so helpful and I can clearly see the delineation between the psychology and spirituality . But there is a spirituality to psychology and there's a psychology to spirituality . And so ultimately , I would say that if you left me a choice at this point in my life , and I had to choose between all my psychology books or all my spirituality books .

Rob Mack UNCOVERS: Positive Psychology and How This Improves our Happiness and Well-being

But what I found was that over time , science and psychology only took me so far , like , you know , it took me to the place where I could sort of , you know , come up with better feeling , but truthful stories about my life , I could put into action , these coping skills that I had learned and that was all very helpful and sort of keeping me from , you know , spiraling back in the ways that I had before , you know , self ruination , all that good stuff . But it was actually ultimately spirituality I think . And to this day , it still is that brings me in the most peace and the most calm in my life .

Rob Mack UNCOVERS: Positive Psychology and How This Improves our Happiness and Well-being

Absolutely . So , you know , from a psychology perspective , we know that folks who have a spiritual bent or a spiritual religious tradition that they associate or affiliate with generally report higher levels of happiness . And of course , they do for multiple reasons , not the least of which is a , you know , community of people that they have shared values with , right ?

Happiness, Love and Fulfillment with Rob Mack and Jacquie Blaze

So sometimes it's nice to lead into science . Sometimes it's nice to lean into spirituality , religion , whatever works for you , you wanna lean into that . Um I lean into all of it because I like to be , you know , uh inclusive and I'm like , yes .