NewsNation Now Panel - Should "Disruptive" Passengers Be Banned?

Yeah , I , I don't , it doesn't surprise me at all . I think that uh there is a divide in terms of social awareness and social consciousness in terms of mental health . There is a , there is a , a world where people were , grew , you know , grew up in a society where we were kind of taught to suppress it and suppress emotions .

Business Minds Coffee Chat with Robert Mack | Ep. #30

And I realized , and I found out that lots of them had or experienced all kinds of mental dysfunction , mental illness , whether it's bipolar depression or whether there was borderline , whether it was sometimes in some cases they were schizophrenic . Um But what's interesting is is that , you know , what this science has found is not that people don't , you know , mental illness and mental health is really a spectrum . And we all experience moments in our day in our lives um in our weeks where we're a little less mentally healthy than in other moments , right ?

Robert Mack studied ways to kill himself, then...

I hope to inspire and motivate you to discover a part of yourself where your genius inner magic and superpowers reside together with my guests . We will explore the latest physical mental , emotional and spiritual well-being practices and together , we'll advise you on the actionable steps you can take towards a happier , more fulfilled , authentic life . So I ask you are some of your relationships less than perfect .

Impact the World - Robert Mack

I think part of the work that each of us does is to help hopefully to normalize and destigmatize , you know , mental health conversations , right ? Mental illness , conversations , conversations around suicide and depression . Um ideally , and I used to really believe , and this is something I also was wrong about .

Business Minds Coffee Chat with Robert Mack | Ep. #30

Um But what's interesting is is that , you know , what this science has found is not that people don't , you know , mental illness and mental health is really a spectrum . And we all experience moments in our day in our lives um in our weeks where we're a little less mentally healthy than in other moments , right ? And so it's a spectrum and at some point in this spectrum , you know , clinical psychologists and researchers draw a line and they draw a line somewhat arbitrarily , but they draw a line with the best in the best way that they can .