Understanding Happiness With Robert Mack

We spotlight the uplifting and the positive and share the secret ways . Top wellness , authors and celebrities get inspired , stay healthy and enjoy this beautiful life . I'm your host , Amy Lee Merry , best selling author of 15 books and Holistic health expert for the last 19 years .

Rob Mack | The art and science of happiness | Muscle Maven Radio 14

And , and I think reiterate one of the things that , that you're saying , it's something that I've said a lot . Again , speaking about health and like wellness and nutrition and fitness is that instead of thinking of getting fit or getting happy as like a an end goal , like I gotta just do this and then I'm here and then it's done . We all know that's not how works , right ?

Rob Mack | The art and science of happiness | Muscle Maven Radio 14

So you can have a terminal illness and still not be deeply compromised in terms of your happiness that might take an extraordinary person to feel that way . But generally it's a objective health that's tied to happiness . How about marriage ?

Understanding Happiness With Robert Mack

This is happily holistic where we dive deeply into everything , health and wellness with a big dash of spirituality and a Sprinkle of business . We spotlight the uplifting and the positive and share the secret ways .

Impact the World - Robert Mack

Um And by positive , we mean , not just that , you know , it makes you feel good , but also that it's good for society or it's good for organizations . And so it can add to the health um of an organization or a team or a couple or an individual . Um So , yeah , it was an incredible program .